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Our coaches

To help you turn continuous improvement into a second nature within your organisation we offer the support of our highly experienced coaches.  All of our coaches have an impressive track record bringing companies to unprecedented levels of production by boosting teamwork, and are driven by their natural incentive to empower people to function optimally within a satisfying work environment.

Here you can read what drives them to bring organisations to a higher level.

Reinier Brongers
Derk Reiffers
Klaas Heijs
Jeroen Kleef

If you would like to meet one of these coaches, please contact us and your selected coach will get in touch with you.

Reinier Brongers

Making a company swing and being successful is where my passion and strength lie.

In the early stages of my training as seafaring officer we already learned that to measure is to know. Good seamenship requires to check and double check. What use is a well build stabilisation loading programm with poor input? What is the situation in the ballast tanks, fuel bunkers, what is the deadweight of the cargo and where is it stowed? Only correct assesment of all these factors will lead to a relaiable result where lives depend upon!

 “To measure is to know” is simply burned into my system. Life is all about taking risks, but they should be well within the range of calculated risks.

While working on many ships I learned to appreciate the different cultures and work as a team within a confined space where there is no need to be friends but a healthy respect for each others proffesionality. This 24 hours per day up to 6 months continuously. This also requires empathy, all of us are human, we all are fallable. These lessons teached me to help people perform better and streamline business and production processes.

Following my offshore life I started in commerce and over the years rolled into general management. Most of my professional life I worked on improving communication, internal logistics, troughput times and the products themselves. Allways with focus on operational staff and my roll as manager to facilitate them towards an optimal working environment. Seeing the results provides me with far more energy than the effort it takes to get there.

The people I worked with, outclassed me by great distance as it comes to craftmenship, being it an aluminum maker, Solid board operator, a galvenizer, engineer, a chicken butcher, ship builder or even a cardiac catheter constructor. This kind of knowledge is mostly available in the companies. My role is to connect all the disciplines, make people feel good at work and provide the correct tools and training. With business administration skills we together indicate bottlenecks and eliminate them, no matter the work field.

In 2003 I was introduced to ProMISe. By its days a very comprehensive improvement toolkit. What struck me was not a fancy layout and well looking graphics, but the sober lean functionality and workflow that really serves the people and organisation. The implementation, supported by a thorough and well thought-out training programme combined with the personal commitment of the implementation consultant make me decide to go for this toolkit.

Since then I used this improvement method within several companies to improve the performance by the priniple “to measure is to know”. I found that ProMISe simply works!

The most challenging part is to show to the staff that this toolkit is not a thread, not an additional means of control, on the contrary, it is a user friendly tool to help each other to improve processes, eliminate unnecessary staff efforts, reduce waste and raise efficiency in an open and tranparant manner. An opportunity to grab!

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Derk Reiffers

A company is the sum of the employees who work there.

Having gained experience in a great number of fields and organisations on an operational-, technological-, and management level, I have acquired a vast amount of knowledge that can be put to use in a wide variety of ways. Those fields are; chemicals, paper industry, medicine, plastics, food, and education facilities. The wish to use this knowledge for coaching purposes relates to my trust and belief that being approachable is a way of bettering oneself in a multitude of ways.

The ability to observe and listen are fundamental to the cooperative communication that will lead to the intended result(s). Every effort should be made to satisfy the customer and help him attain his goals.

An organisation is a cooperation between people to reach a predetermined goal. In order to do so, organisations utilise a wide range of resources based on technique and technology. The use and management of this process as a whole should be controlled to ensure that the goal effortlessly meets the demands established for a viable existence.

I describe myself as follows;

  • Creates added value by helping people develop and optimise their talent(s) and work-potential.
  • A conjunctive personality, independent, analytical, pragmatic, and persistent.
  • Has a healthy dose of curiosity, a vision on human development, and capable of ambiguously directing a process.
  • Enjoys taking the initiative whenever/wherever necessary.
  • Improving as desired runs through my veins.

The incentive to be a coach is to guide people or a process in an innovative environment.
Always searching for binding factors in an organisation to analyse and optimise them where doing so is desired.

The continuous process of learning new techniques and the processes they entail is natural and evident and provides me with an incentive for motivation and job satisfaction. I like to look outside the box.

My profile;

Plan-/ troubleshooting manager with knowledge & experience in the field of solving troubling problems | mindset & behaviour issues/questions | 6S Lean | plan management | WCOM | continuous improvement | Business administration process optimisation | initiator | connector | enthusiastic | food/nutrients | cardboard/carton | medical devices | chemistry | educational program developer | durability | BSc business administration |

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Klaas Heijs

My family owns a factory, which gave me the opportunity to develop an interest in and an affinity for production technology and processes from an early age.

In the first years of my career I gained experience with implementations of various 'tools', in models and methods to optimize processes technologically. This varied from automation and sensors, to benchmark, reporting and Lean methods.

From there I moved on to managerial positions. I learned that with the core values of the company and the recognition and respect of individuals, I can inspire employees. This results in intrinsically motivated employees who are proud of their work and the organisation.

My motivation is to coordinate things optimally, so that everything is used to its full extent and to its full advantage. My ambition is to achieve this in organisations where everything seems to be self-evident, without effort and without waste.

I achieve this by means of a leadership style, in which employees are given confidence and space and are guided in their growth and in solving bottlenecks. This creates a proactive team that structurally strives every day for the continuous elimination of errors. If you also monitor this with an appropriate integral reporting system, at all levels of the organization, motivation remains high and momentum increases continuously.

As a people's manager, I also think in terms of models, processes and systems and am therefore able to adapt well to what is necessary for a production organisation to perform well, in which people can thrive.

I would like to learn how your organization runs and what the ambition and motivation is. I would then like to look together with you at how we can implement the above in your organisation. An organization that performs its tasks seemingly effortlessly with good revenues. Shall we start with a coffee?

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Jeroen Kleef

Over the years I have learned, that even in the most technology driven companies, people are the absolute key factor to success. I've seen that if you create a stable, stress free, transparent organisation where people feel free to express themselves, tap into their creativity and learn to communicate at a professional level, or even better, asking each other for help, the impossible becomes possible.

Lean, Six Sigma, WCM, and all other tools are just natural effects of such an organization.

Observing the transformation of really hardworking, often stressed, people into relaxed, functioning employees, happily going to work and realizing that I played an, albeit modest, role in improving their happiness, sometimes even in their private lives, is so energy-boosting that I got addicted!

Happy to help you create a little bit of a better world.



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