Having a QHSE policy, or aspects of it, is important as it is legally required. In The Netherlands it is required to have a Risk, Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E), at least. Having a Plan of Action is a good starting point. However, actually taking action to solve issues is not always done consistently. Registering all unwanted incidents and unsafe situations is needed to know what is wrong and needs to be improved. Often encountered is that the willingness to register is not high, because the registration procedure is cumbersome. Things are only registered when an accident or incident has already occurred. Another difficulty is that registrations of incidents (often in MS Excel) and their follow-up are made in different systems.
So there is no central system with a simple registration procedure, which can also provide an in-depth analysis of underlying root causes, needed for improvement actions, and in addition improvement actions that can be initiated and followed in the same system.
ProMISe can be your solution. ProMISe is not only usable for process optimization. You can also make structured and simple registrations of disruptions, unwanted incidents, near-accidents and unsafe situations related to QHSE. The simple procedure increases the willingness to register. More will be known about the unwanted incidents and situations, which will lead to more follow-ups and improvements, and therefore it ensures a safer working environment. The ProMISe App is extremely suitable for this. In a few clicks you register the unwanted situations or incidents, provided with photos and root cause or other data. Even if there is no 4G or WIFI connection. Ideal for workers in the field or remote areas. The QHSE department, which receives the registrations, can immediately follow up and track the status thereof. All registrations and follow-ups are easily trackable. In addition, an export can be made in Excel. Ideal for audits, for example.